Obtaining a District License
Note: District Licenses are granted for one year - from Assembly to Assembly. You must reapply and complete the process each year.
Step 1: Review the "OVERVIEW" document on under the Overview link to ensure you have met the requirements.
Step 2: Advise Rev. Bob Seal, Registrar of the District School of Ministry, that you are ready to apply for your First District License.
Step 3: Complete and sign the application for your District License: (click on the link below to download the Application) Step 4: Remind your Pastor that you will need a "Recommendation to the District Assembly" Form from your Church Board. Step 5: Meet with your District Board of Ministry Area Representitive for your interview. Give the interviewer the Originals of your license application and the recommendation to the assembly forms.
Alternatively, you can mail the originals to the District Secretary and give copies to your interviewer. BE CERTAIN TO RETAIN COPIES OF THE COMPLETED FORMS FOR YOURSELF.
Step 1: Review the "OVERVIEW" document on under the Overview link to ensure you have met the requirements.
Step 2: Advise Rev. Bob Seal, Registrar of the District School of Ministry, that you are ready to apply for your First District License.
Step 3: Complete and sign the application for your District License: (click on the link below to download the Application) Step 4: Remind your Pastor that you will need a "Recommendation to the District Assembly" Form from your Church Board. Step 5: Meet with your District Board of Ministry Area Representitive for your interview. Give the interviewer the Originals of your license application and the recommendation to the assembly forms.
Alternatively, you can mail the originals to the District Secretary and give copies to your interviewer. BE CERTAIN TO RETAIN COPIES OF THE COMPLETED FORMS FOR YOURSELF.